We are Mongol Raiders / We’re raiders of the night / We’re dirty sons of bitches / We’d rather fuck and fight / HOOAH! / We castrate the sheriffs with a dirty piece of glass / And shove our rusty Buck knives up their fuckin’ ass / HOOAH! / Hidy Hidy Christ Almighty / Who the fuck are we? / Shit Fuck Cunt Suck / Mongols M.C. / HOOAH!
Such is the Mongols OMG (Outlaw Motorcycle Gang) fight song.
“Under and Alone” is the story of William Queen, the undercover ATF agent who, over a two year period, infiltrated and became a “full patch” member of the Mongols under the alias “Billy St. John,” in the largest most widespread operation ever taken against an OMG.
Just like traditional Cosa Nostra, The Mongols have a hierarchy of national officers, a constitution, bylaws, and monthly dues. Just like FBI Undercover Agent Joe Pistone infiltrated the Mafia under the alias “Donnie Brasco,” ATF officer William Queen lived life on the razor’s edge. Assignments just don’t get any more dangerous than his operation. The background check on Billy St. John was extremely extensive, as the Mongols have numerous lawyers, private dicks, and corrupt cops on their payroll. In light of all that scrutiny, not only did Billy St. John succeed in becoming a full patch member of The Mongols Club (after rising through the ranks as a “hanger on” and then a “prospect”) they named Billy Secretary/Treasurer of the San Fernando Valley Chapter. Billy was often in positions where he had to drug up or gang rape or he might be killed, it’s amazing how Billy responded to direct orders to do drugs by other members of the gang.
chaoscott |
The Mongols OMG is the most savage in the world. They hang scalps from trees. Although they might not boast as many fully patched members when compared to other OMGs, the Mongols have never lost a fight, not even to The Hells Angels. Originally the Angels forbid other OMGs from wearing the “California lower rocker” on their leather jackets, but after a twenty year war, the Mongols defeated the Angels through a series of deadly brawls, thus earning themselves the right.
The Mongols motto is, “Respect Few, Fear None.” Their lifestyle includes rampant drug dealing, gang rape, gun running, assault and battery, larceny, extortion, blackmail, numerous bike thefts, prostitution and various other criminal conspiracies. The Mongols took their name from Ghengis Khan’s band of savages, no surprise. Welcome to the world of “one percenters.”
What’s a one percenter you ask? A one percenter is a badass who you want to stay as far away from as possible. The term “one percenter” was born out of the 1947 Hollister, CA, motorcycle riot that inspired the film, “The Wild One” starring Marlon Brando. As a result, motorcycle riders and even the American Motorcycle Association denounced the bikers who were ruining the reputation of “99%” of average American riders. The OMGs were delighted having been singled out and have worn a 1% patch on their jackets ever since.
Once while I was working the door at a strip club, two Mongols walked in. One was a big burly white guy with a moustache, the other a wrinkly older Latino, both covered in tattoos. I didn’t even think to ask them for money. I just told them, “Enjoy the show,” and let them stroll right in, no doubt the safe and prudent move.
“Under and Alone” will introduce you to characters like Evel, Crazy Craig, Little Dave, Rocky, Rancid, Domingo, and the most savage of them all, the swastika tattooed Red Dog. Red Dog once told Billy, “If you turn out to be a problem, I’ll cut your motherfuckin’ throat.” The Mongols are always drunk and smashed on crank and coke. My favorite story of an OMG is when a certain member’s “ol’ lady” showed disrespect, she was crucified with a hammer and nails to a tree and hours later when she was let down, she crafted a necklace of the nails and wore it with a sense of new pride and devotion.
When Mongols go on a run one hundred strong, they truly live beyond the law. “Under and Alone” is a real page turner, if you can devote a little time, you might be able to read it over the weekend. I won’t ruin the end for you, but trust me, it’s intense. HOOAH!